
Love ESOL is our campaign to promote ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). We are calling for more funding from the government because we believe ESOL is a vital public service that benefits all of us, not only new arrivals. ESOL is crucial for healthy communities, a thriving economy and the well-being of people who are new to the UK.

We have been organising since 2017, so ESOL students (teachers, volunteers and supporters) can have a real say in how ESOL works. We work on local, regional as well as national level. Over the years, hundreds of ESOL community members have been involved in the campaign.

National #LoveESOL

In the run up to the general elections, we are currently gathering views about problems with ESOL & change we want to see. Share your view.

For the 2019 General Election, we invited election candidates to sign up to our ESOL Pledge . It reads: “I pledge to ensure all migrants in my constituency can access ESOL classes through championing local and national solutions”

The following candidates signed up.

1. Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour, Streatham) – now MP

2. Marsha de Cordova (Labour, Battersea) – now MP

3. Sarah Lewis (Liberal Democrats, Vauxhall)

Regional #LoveESOL

In the run up to the regional elections, we are currently gathering views about problems with ESOL & change we want to see. Share your view.


London asks are:

1. Better access to free ESOL classes for all, regardless of childcare or work commitments, or immigration status. We want free ESOL provision, providing childcare and removing eligibility criteria.

Progress made: 
The GLA have increased the threshold for free classes for everyone earning less than the London Living Wage. It has been estimated that this increased the number of people eligible for free classes by 20,000 and put money back in to the pockets of low-paid migrant workers. From 2020 they have also expanded the eligibility criteria to access Adult Education Budget funding to include more asylum seekers and family members of EU and EEA nationals. In July 2022 the Mayor announced free courses for learners who earn below the London Living Wage/are unemployed, but do not or cannot claim state benefits, including people with no recourse to public funds (NRPF). In 2023 the GLA increased creche funding for resettled refugees. 

2. An ESOL for London website with a database of what’s on offer across London for students to identify a suitable class. With information on cost, childcare, location, day and time, levels and certificates. PLUS information about any immigration status restrictions.

Progress made: 
In April 2021, Mayor Sadiq Khan committed to providing a staffed updated website with information about ESOL classes in London. The GLA appointed an ESOL coordinator in 2018 and then expanded the post to two coordinators. In June 2022 the GLA updated their ESOL webpages to include a webpage with a provider map for London:  https://www.london.gov.uk/publications/find-adult-learning-providers-near-me
This is fantastic progress, but the webpage still needs more work to make it comprehensive and accessible to ESOL learners. Learners suggestions for improvement are listed here:  https://efalondon.wordpress.com/2022/07/19/loveesol-campaign-picnic-providing-an-end-of-year-report-for-the-mayor-of-london/

3. Solidarity for a bigger voice for ESOL to help restore funding and improve public understanding of ESOL students’ experiences and the importance of ESOL.

Progress made: The Deputy Mayor for Skills and the Deputy Mayor for Social Integration have attended the annual #LoveESOL events and directly engaged with ESOL students and learning. We were pleased to see ESOL explicitly mentioned in Sadiq Khan’s re-lection manifesto in 2020/21.

We have been organising #LoveESOL events with the aim to engage with policy-makers. We started as a big teach-out in the green space outside City Hall, which led to invitations to hold an event inside the building the following years and present our asks to the Mayor’s team, as well as meet with key members of staff. The event has historically coincided with the European Day of Languages (26th September), so it is also a celebration of multilingualism and the linguistic diversity we have in London.

We meet annually to look at ESOL provision in London and share our expertise with the GLA.

We are holding the Mayor and GLA accountable for ESOL policy because since the devolution of funding to the regional authorities (in the academic year 2019/20) they have the power to make improvements. However, we recognise that they don’t control the amount of funding they receive from Westminster and do not set the SFA’s eligibility rules.

Read about London-wide #LoveESOL events:

July 2022

September 2020

February 2020

September 2018

September 2017

Local #LoveESOL


Southwark #LoveESOL campaign asks:

1.  Appoint an ESOL officer

Progress made: The council did not appoint an ESOL officer but put ESOL campaigners in contact with the Southwark Adult Education Progression Lead to coordinate ESOL related matters. The Progression Lead has since retired so we are liaising with the interim manager until a new appointment is made. We have requested that ESOL coordination is included in the remit of the new Progression Lead.

2.  Convene quarterly ESOL meetings

Progress made: The Southwark ESOL network has now been established and meetings have been running termly as of January 2023.

3.  Publish and maintain an ESOL directory on the council’s website

Progress made: Success! An ESOL directory for classes in Southwark is live on the council’s website as of June 2023. Here is the link: https://www.southwark.gov.uk/schools-and-education/adult-learning/our-courses/esol-providers

The council have promised to update the directory and produce a more sophisticated version when their website gets revamped.

Check out  The ESOL podcast in which in a student talks about the campaign! You can listen  here.